Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Obtain A Low Cost Health Insurance Quote The Simple Way
Obtain A Low Cost Health Insurance Quote The Simple Way
Prices for health insurance have gone over the top in the past few years, and so the question becomes just how do you buy a plan which won't break your financial budget. The below article demonstrates how to obtain an affordable plan the simple way.

Catastrophic Medical Plans

Major medical health care plans, also called catastrophic medical plans, are now the most affordable non-comprehensive medical plans. They've got very low premiums as well as a high deductible - the total amount you have to pay before the insurer pays.

Major medical plans will not pay for routine visits to the doctor or your prescribed drugs, however they will pay for your hospital stays, surgical procedure expenses, X-ray costs, plus lab test charges.

If you are relatively young, healthy, seldom see your health care provider, avoid using high-priced prescription medications, and are on a limited budget, these kinds of plans could be just the ticket for you.

Comprehensive Health Care Plans

HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations), PPOs, (Point-of-Service Plans), and also POSs (Point of Service Plans), will be the most economical choice if you want comprehensive health insurance protection.

Health Maintenance Organizations

Of all of the comprehensive health plans HMOs are the least costly. With one of these plans you are required to select your doctor from the list authorized by your HMO.

Any time you see your physician you will have to pay a small copayment, typically $10 to $15. The advantages of these plans is there aren't any deductibles to pay for, plus you don't need to spend your time and energy filling in medical insurance forms like you will with traditional health care plans.

Your primary care doctor is going to either treat you or else send you to a specialist whenever you need medical help. Should you visit a doctor outside your own HMO network, your HMO won't pay your expenses.

Preferred Provider Organizations

Preferred Provider Organizations are among the most preferred medical plans as they are more flexible than HMOs. Just like an HMO, you will have to select your health care provider from an authorized directory of doctors.

PPO copays tend to be about the same as they are with an HMO, plus there are not any deductibles or forms to worry about, however in contrast to an HMO it's not necessary to confer with your primary doctor to be able to go to a medical specialist.

Point of Service Plans

Point of Service plans provide you with the most flexibility of the three healthcare plans and , therefore, are more expensive. Similar to HMOs and PPOs your medical care is provided by way of a network of health professionals plus hospitals, yet in contrast to those plans you're allowed to use the health care provider of your choice.

Copayments tend to be about the same as they are with HMOs and PPOs, and whenever you go to a health care provider who isn't part of the POS network you're going to be reimbursed as much as 80% of your medical expenses.

Where You Get Low Cost Quotes

To obtain the most affordable quotes you will need to shop around, and the fastest and most effective way to do this will be to head to an insurance comparison site. With these websites you'll receive price quotes from health insurance providers competing for your business. A few websites have an insurance specialist available so that you can talk with him or her online to receive answers to all of your questions.

To get your price quotes you will have to fill in a very simple questionnaire with information regarding yourself plus your overall health, then as soon as you submit your questionnaire you will begin to get price quotes from a variety of highly rated providers. Once you get your price quotes you can easily analyze and compare all of them and pick a plan with the cheapest rate plus the best coverage that matches your requirements. The beauty of using a comparison website is it is quick, simple, and totally free.

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